Leadership & Team Management—Developing People Skills
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In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, effective leadership is more crucial than ever. This comprehensive course offers an immersive dive into the nuances and intricacies of leadership, empowering you to lead with vision, empathy, and effectiveness.
Course Highlights:
Understanding Leadership Fundamentals: Start your journey with a deep dive into what leadership truly means. Explore its evolution over time and dissect the distinctions between leadership and management.
Styles and Adaptability: Leadership isn’t one-size-fits-all. Explore various leadership styles, analyzing their merits and applications, underscored by the real-world case study of Phoenix Tech’s transformation.
The Art of Delegation: Discover the immense power of effective delegation. Learn not just the ‘how,’ but the ‘why,’ ‘what,’ and ‘when’ of delegation, ensuring efficiency, trust, and growth in your team.
Conflict Navigation: Equip yourself with the skills to identify, understand, and resolve conflicts. From understanding its roots to fostering a resilient culture and managing virtual team conflicts, master the art of turning challenges into opportunities.
Communicate Like a Leader: Delve into the nuances of leadership communication. Hone your verbal, non-verbal, and written communication skills and understand the pivotal role of active listening. A case study on communication breakdown further solidifies the lessons.
Team Dynamics & Leadership: Understand the leader’s role in molding high-performing teams. Promote diversity, lead virtual teams, and ensure inclusion for a holistic team environment.
Leadership in the Face of Crisis: Crisis situations test true leadership. Learn to manage, anticipate, and communicate during tumultuous times, all while growing and reflecting post-crisis.
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: Emotional intelligence is a keystone of effective leadership. Dive deep into understanding and boosting your EQ, with a focus on empathy as its heart. Real-world applications are brought to life through a compelling case study.
Conclusion: As the course culminates, integrate your newfound insights, forging your path to become a dynamic leader ready to face the multifaceted challenges of the modern world.
17The Anatomy of Conflict: Understanding its Roots and Impact
18Recognizing Conflict Styles: Know Your Approach
19Navigating through Conflict: Empathy and Active Listening
20Mastering Conflict Resolution Strategies
21Maintaining Relationships Post-Conflict
22Fostering a Conflict-Resilient Culture
23Resolving Conflict in Virtual Teams
24Case Study: Poor resolution and A well-managed conflict.
26Activity: Conflict Resolution Reflection
27The Power of Effective Communication in Leadership
28Types of Leadership Communication: Verbal, Non-verbal & Written
29Active Listening: A Key Leadership Skill
30Navigating Difficult Conversations as a Leader
31Case Study: A Communication Breakdown
33Activity: Communication Reflection
47Understanding Emotional Intelligence
48Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership
49Strategies to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
50Empathy: The Heart of Emotional Intelligence
51Case Study: Emotional Intelligence in Action
53Activity: Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Reflection